Another year has come around again for me. I turned 55 on Saturday, under the energetic influence of the Super Blood Full Moon Eclipse.
In today’s Mindful Moment, I wanted to share how listening to my own station within has amplified my intentions and given me some potent guidance as I step into my personal new year.
Here’s the thing, sometimes we just have to stop what we’re doing and listen to the inner landscape of our soul. Here are three potent examples from my own personal experiences that happened this month.
1. Let it Go and allow the magic to happen.
I’ve been following an amazing astrologer, Molly McCord, for several months now. Her readings are not only spot on but shared in such a way that, as a novice to the depths of astrology, I actually understand them.
At the beginning of the year, I reached out for a personal birthday reading, but her calendar was full through February. I felt a little disappointed, but let it go.
A few weeks later, as I was out harvesting turmeric on my farm, intuition tapped me on the shoulder… “go check that link to Molly’s schedule right now…” In the past, I would have put the thought in my back pocket and followed up later, but these days, when spirit gives me a message, I take action immediately. I put my garden tools down and went to check Molly’s schedule again. You guessed it, a slot had opened up on my birthday. (and it was an incredible reading!)
2. Honoring the inspiration.
For months now, I’ve been wanting to purge the excess in my life, especially in my closet. I started several months ago when I set the timer for 30 minutes and held the intention of nixing 10 things that I no longer love. After 30 minutes, I had pulled out 20 things I no longer needed in my life.
The feeling has been amplifying for months now, but with the Venus retrograde this fall, Spirit told me to wait. In the days leading up to my birthday and the Full Moon Eclipse, Spirit tapped me on the shoulder… “Lyn, it’s time for Feng Shui.” What?? Where did that come from…?
The first thing I was guided to do was to move the furniture around in my living room. I added some potted plants. Wow, what a sense of fresh energy. Day by day over the weekend, I’d set the timer for 30 minutes to clear out my life… cosmetics, clothes, jewelry — all of it sorted and purged. And do you know what…? I now have space to stretch into a new sense of freedom and clarity about who I am evolving into. And it feels good to clear out the old and welcome in the freshness of this next version of authentically me.
3. Do the work and follow it through.
I’m always stretching into becoming the best version of myself. I know that my best today will be even better tomorrow as I continue on the path of lifelong learning. One of my struggles has been my limiting belief around lack.
Browsing the Masterclasses at Mind Valley last week I came across an Abundance Session with Christie Marie Sheldon. It looked interesting but my schedule was full, and I had things to do. And Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and kindly told me “NOW”.
I cleared my schedule and dove in. After each exercise that Christie presented, I took the time to do my own process using kinesiology and qigong to clear and confirm the release of limiting beliefs and hidden trapped emotions. A 2-hour masterclass stretched into an all-day self-therapy session and by the end, I was exhausted, yet I knew the work had been valuable and effective.
I gave myself a profound gift when I stopped and listened to inspiration at that moment, for results manifested immediately afterward. Not only did I feel clear, but when I spoke with a potential client the next day, I showed up with a new found confidence and clarity about the work I do in helping others show up for themselves. This clear energy about owning my value attracted this client to want to work with me, and now I am sharing this magic with her.
I hope you enjoyed this mindful moment. I always love reading your thoughts and comments, so go ahead and share them.
Infinite ∞ Love,