Tap into nature’s wisdom and increase your intuition.

posted in: Love Yourself Now 6

Here’s a quick tip for tapping into nature’s wisdom to increase your intuition.

Give yourself a few minutes outside, or if you can’t get outside, sit by a window where you can gaze outward. Allow your breath to deepen and your body to settle back into itself. Stand or sit with your feet on the ground and imagine you have roots growing from the bottoms of your feet deep into the earth below you. Feel the cool energy of the soil, feel your roots descending downwards and grounding your entire body.

Allow your body to come back to center, bringing all the various pieces of yourself back home to rest for a moment. Breathe. Give yourself the gift of three deep breaths to fully center your attention back home in yourself.

Notice, notice the nature around you. Use all of your senses to experience nature around you. Feel the temperature of the air surrounding you. Hear the noises that fill your ears. See the textures, colors, shapes, and forms around you. Allow your senses to heighten and for this to be your focus now.

As you are noticing, allow the first three to five adjectives that come to mind to describe what you are sensing. Then, using each adjective, put the phrase I AM in front of each, and feel into the intuitive wisdom that comes forward. Don’t censor your adjectives, there is no right or wrong, good or bad. Allow all that come to you to offer you wisdom.

I did this exercise the other night, and obscure, silent, and cool were the adjectives that flowed to me.
I am obscure. I am silent. I am cool.

And this morning, I sat on the terrace, surrounded by rising daylight and the sounds of parrots. The adjectives that came to me were active, brilliant, awakening. I am active. I am brilliant. I am awakening.

Have fun with this exercise and allow the clues from nature to inform your intuitive wisdom.
Infinite ∞ Love,

Spread Your Wings & Fly

posted in: Love Yourself Now 17

“Be like the bird that, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings.” ~ Victor Hugo

In today’s mindful moment, I ask you to consider the analogy of the bird, the nest, and the vast sky above.

In what ways do you stay comfortable in your nest? Your nest is cozy, comfortable and predictable. Your nest keeps you safe and secure. Your nest is a good thing, most of the time.

But what I’m really interested in is how you take flight. Like the fledgling bird, jumping out of the nest to spread her wings, how do you leave the safety of your nest for the greater freedom of flying high.

I use this analogy often, for it’s a metaphor for my life. As I continue to jump out of my comfortable nest, the world opens before me. Perhaps I learned this skill out of necessity, but I believe it’s one of my superpowers, and is something that I teach my clients to have the confidence to experience.

Unless you can jump out of the safety of the nest, you won’t be able to experience all that this marvelous world has to offer. I’m confident that if you jump, your wings will open and you will soar.

Now, after reading this, I invite you to do one thing this week that pushes you beyond your comfort zone! Spread your wings and fly!

Thanks for reading this mindful moment. I hope you got something of value from it. I always welcome your thoughts or comments, so don’t hold back.

Infinite Love, Lyn

You Are Enough

It’s becoming almost cliché, however I’d like to suggest that you take a moment right now to remember that you are enough. It’s easy to hear these words and dismiss them as fluff, but the truth is that you are enough.

Can you give yourself permission today to accept yourself unconditionally? If you are willing to play with me on this, say the words below and allow them wash over you, allow them to sink into your heart, and to integrate into your day today.

Have fun with this, and know deeply and truly that they are true.

I am worthy,

I am safe,

I am unlimited potential,

I am the universe,

I am always guided,

I am protected by light and love,

I am good enough,

I am compassion,

I am peace,

I am accepting of myself,

I am honesty,

I am gratitude,

I am freedom,

I am part of something much bigger than just myself,

I am energy,

I am a master of energy,

I am important,

I am unique,

I am free to be me.

I am here to shine my light,

I am intuitive,

I am beautiful,

I am harmonious,

I am joy,

I am a loving soul.

Choose now to connect with your mission, your birthright, to live your truth. Follow your heart. Your journey is unique to you, and is designed just for you. Breathe this in, allow your true self to shine through.

And if you will, put both of your hands on your heart, and tell yourself.

I am valuable,

I deserve love, and deserve to be loved,

I am worthy,

I am unlimited potential,

I am always guided and protected,

I am here to learn,

I am remembering who I really am,

I am good enough no matter what,

I approve of myself,

I love and accept myself,

I am here to be me,

I follow my heart.

I choose now to reconnect to my soul,

It is safe to speak my truth,

It is my mission to speak my truth,

It is safe to take care of myself.

I follow my intuition,

I love myself, always,

I thank myself.

I now integrate these words into my being, allowing them to compound within me.

I am doing good!

I am doing good!

Now, after reading this, (maybe even more than once) I invite you to go out there and embrace this day for the miracle that it is!

Thanks for reading this mindful moment. I hope you got something of value from it. I always welcome your thoughts or comments, so don’t hold back.

Infinite ∞ Love,

Course Correcting Negative Thoughts

posted in: Love Yourself Now 1

I know we all struggle with negative thinking from time to time. Sometimes it’s the inner critic that won’t shut up, other times it’s worry that keeps you spinning, and still others it’s anxiety that grips you with it’s stranglehold.

Here’s the thing, science is proving the harmful effects that these negative throughs have on your health, your relationships, and life in general. Even worse, research shows that when you try to push down or argue with these harmful thoughts, they instead AMPLIFY and make matters worse.

So today I wanted to share 4 ways to move you out of the negative thoughts and into a fresh perspective. 

  1. The first one is to notice them in the first place. So often they become second nature that you don’t catch them when they begin to creep in. Once you recognize them as what they are – harmful negative thoughts – you begin to have a choice to how you want to respond to them. This takes the power away from them and returns it to you, to make a choice in what to believe and how you want to feel.
  2. The second is simply to come back to the present moment. Have you ever noticed that negative thoughts are often anchored in past events, or in worry about the future ones?  Sometimes you are feeling negative about the present moment, too, especially when you are judge things around you as “bad”. One of the fastest ways to “get present” is to bring awareness back to our senses. Smell the air around you. Feel the texture of the clothes on your skin. See what’s around you. Become aware of your current environment and pay attention to your direct sensory experience.
  3. The third is to begin a dialog with and question the negative thoughts. These questions come out of acceptance and commitment therapy and are helpful to recognize negative thinking.

. Is the thought helpful?

. Is it absolutely true?

. Is this an old story that my mind is playing out of habit?

. Does this through help me take effective action?

. How do I want to feel?

. How can I make the best of this situation?

. Who would I be without this negative thought?

. What can I be grateful for in this moment?

  1. The fourth is to have a daily self love practice. Devote some uninterrupted time to yourself. When you get to know yourselves deeply, you begin to know your own unique truth and can act from that knowledge instead of the negative thoughts. You are able to stay centered, and focused on taking the best care of yourself. From this solid and grounded place, you begin to forgive yourself and protect yourself from the negative thinking that keeps you spinning. From that place of genuinely loving yourself and your life, you love and respect yourself even more and find little time to allow yourself to stay stuck in negative thinking.

If you choose one or two of these actions, chances are you’ll begin to move yourself out of negative thinking and into a place of healthy, positive thoughts that support your best health.

Thanks for reading this mindful moment. I hope you take away something of value from it. I always welcome your thoughts or comments, so don’t hold back.

Infinite Love,


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