Building Your Solid Foundation
Here’s a question… How strong is your inner foundation? I ask because yesterday as I was working on the details of the IGNITE 2020 Retreat I pulled an Oracle Card to guide me — and what came forward was a card about building strong foundations. I chuckled with a warm heart because the card is in absolute alignment with the fundamental intentions I’ve been holding for the retreat. It was another confirmation that Spirit always guides me to the truth.
The card reminds me that we all are a beautiful work in progress, yet every so often it’s a good practice to check our foundations. You, dear one, have everything you need to cultivate your extraordinary life. The thing is, sometimes you loose focus of your foundation, your core values, ethics, and beliefs of your inner being,
Every month in my lunar ceremonies, both the ones I hold publicly, and the ones I do privately, I advocate for looking at the fundamental intentions that are guiding us. We are changing everyday, and it only makes sense that our intentions change along with us. Checking our foundation is a way to review our intentions and to clarify if they still hold value. The question is are they still true for you? Will they stand the test of time and serve as the sold base for which you construct your life from here forward?
5 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Inspect Your Foundation 1. What actions are you taking to align to your values, belief and purpose? 2. How do you practice self-awareness? 3. What can you let go of or say no to that would strengthen your foundation? 4. Where are you ignoring signs or situations that no longer serve you? 5. Who are you spending time with? Now is the time, dear one, to build upon your strong foundation. To remove what is no longer of benefit to you, and to strengthen that which is leading you to your prosperity. Each one of these building blocks of your foundation hold the brilliant energy of your intentions. Now is the time to own your dreams and to remember that no matter what, you are always more than enough. The design for your life is taking shape, and sometimes it’s helpful to do an inspection. I invite you to address the cracks in the foundation of your life. Go head and remove the broken pieces and reinforce your core moral strength and integrity. Now, dear one, is the time to step into your authentic honesty as you renovate and upgrade your inner foundation. Don’t be afraid to replace that which is no longer structurally strong and solid with that which supports and uplifts you. How have you been building your solid foundation? I’d love to hear some of the ways that you inspect and reinforce your inner strength and integrity. Send a reply or leave a comment and I’ll be sure to respond. Infinite Love, Lyn |
P.S. If you’re wondering about IGNITE 2020 Retreat, check here for all the details. And never forget that you are the most important person in your life, and you DESERVE to CULTIVATE your strong and prosperous foundation! Join us in January. P.S.S. By the way, if your ready to experience my manifesting magic, here are some ways to make that happen… 1. Join my LYN Facebook Group 2. Attend a LIVE and INTERACTIVE Intention Ritual 3. Book a Personal Strategy Session with me |