5 Tips to Lead an Authentic Life
I have a theme word for this year, it’s integration. My big, juicy intention for this year is to integrate all the various parts of myself into one authentic whole.
What I’ve realized is that I’ve been living in separation. My sustainable farm life -separate from my coaching work – separate from my creative artist self – separate from my visionary entrepreneur. All of these parts, compartmentalized. And the result… I was living in ways that weren’t congruent with the whole person I truly am.
According to psychologists Brian Goldman and Michael Kernis, authenticity is “the unimpeded operation of one’s true or core self in one’s daily enterprise.”
At its core, authenticity requires self-knowledge and self-awareness. Authentic people accept their strengths and weaknesses. They are connected to their values and desires and act deliberately in ways that are consistent with those qualities.
What I’ve come to know is that self-awareness is the foundation of authenticity. It starts with the desire to be genuine. It requires a willingness to act in accordance with my genuine nature even when it feels vulnerable.
Integrating all of me into one authentic whole feels better than trying to be several separate personalities. It guides me to be purposeful in my choices and I’m more in touch with my big intentions because they’re based on my core values and most important desires.
Here are my 5 Tips to Live an Authentic Life.
- Get Real. Know what you value and desire for yourself and for your best life. Get clear on what you care about and align your actions around these things.
- Be Open. Experience the world as a whole, from every angle and perspective. Challenge yourself to see all sides of the situation.
- Trust your Intuition. Notice when things just don’t feel right. Pay attention to your gut, your physical sensations, and impressions. These are your instincts guiding you. Honor them by taking the time to listen.
- Have a Daily Practice. Making sacred time just for you gives you a moment of pause, of percolation, of reflection. This is a time when inspired wisdom comes to you, or you may feel and sense the next best steps to move you forward with ease.
- Get in the Flow. Flow happens when you’re in alignment with your core values and take action to create that which inspires you most. Flow happens when you get out of your own way and embrace faith in yourself and your abilities.
Thanks for reading my weekly musings. I hope you enjoyed this mindful moment. I always love reading your thoughts and comments, so go ahead and share them.
Infinite ∞ Love, Lyn