My Guide to Setting Meaningful Intentions in 2019
Welcome to the New Year dear soul. January is a time of refocusing, renewal and of creating a fresh start.
Personally, I don’t set New Year’s resolutions, but I do calibrate my yearly compass by setting an intention. This year, my intention is based on the overarching theme of INTEGRATION. I love choosing one word to carry me through the year.
For those of us that follow astrology, it’s said that the last 7 years have been a time of clearing out. This could be clearing ancestral connections, attachments that no longer serve us, and old wounds that have continued to keep us stuck.
I know for myself, this energy came to a peak for me last spring and summer. It was a time where I set clear boundaries in my friendships, invested in therapy with my Mom, and let go of attachments that had been toxic to me. I spent time in meditation and reconnected with my Qigong training to clear the emotions attached to my ancestral lineage. As I look back, 2018 was a time of purging the stuck emotions and wounds of my past.
This new year begins a new 7-year cycle. It’s said that this cycle, from 2019 – 2026, is a cycle of new beginnings, of higher elevation and of the energy of rising up. For those of us who have been feeling stuck, or struggling to manifest our greatest desires, this year gives us the opportunity to create a new blueprint.
This month, especially, is a month of internal reflection. It’s a time to listen deeply to our inner landscape. It’s a time to slow down and review things. When we stop and take the time to fill up our own cup we can powerfully set the foundation for this next cycle.
Here’s the thing, we have to make the time for our inner reflection. I know life keeps us in a cycle of busy, busy, busy, but you and I know that there will never be time unless we stop and make the time.
So this month, allow yourself the internal reflection. Take the time to get quiet and create the vision for what you want to see for yourself and the world in the next 7 years. By doing so, you set a very powerful ripple into motion that will amplify your intentions throughout the year.
Know that the inner work that you do right now will set you up to take inspired action as we move into the end of the month. Set your foundation, draw up your blueprint, and recalibrate your compass to your true north.
If you’re interested in knowing more about the energy of this year, here are a few videos from Lee Harris & Molly McCord.
I hope you enjoyed this mindful moment. I always love reading your thoughts and comments, so go ahead and share them.
Infinite ∞ Love, Lyn